By Women For Women

By Women For Women

Auguste is a label built by women, made for women, and working to create a better world for our future women. So we’re proud to say this is one of our favourite celebrations.

Meet the two wise, bold and unique ladies who lead our team.

What is the driving force behind what you do? What keeps you motivated day after day?

I was born with ambition – I got my first job at 13.

Over the 15 years that I’ve been in this industry my motivations have changed a lot. When I first started out in the fashion industry I was 22, and initially it was very much about the creative process – I love the entire design process. It’s so exciting when you see what was initially just a vision in your mind materialise into something so beautiful, and then even more so when you spot it walking around the streets on a customer.

It then very quickly became about understanding business and mastering the art of flipping from my right brain to left on a daily basis and, of course, just keeping up with the very fast wheel that is the fashion industry. I was determined to succeed and would rise every day excited to keep going.

As I’ve matured and also become a mother, my awareness on world issues, our industry and the importance of giving back now sits at the forefront of my values. Those who know me know that, although I’ve always been in fashion, my true passion in life is animals. What’s happening to our planet and, in turn, our world’s wildlife breaks my heart on a daily basis. I find myself determined to use the voice we have at Auguste and the resources it arms us with to raise awareness and hopefully create some change. (And obviously still get excited about the beautiful dresses!)

What role have women played in your success?

Well, without question my mother. She raised us for a lot of our childhood as a single mother and was a huge driving force and example of strength and resilience.

In my career I would say that 95% of my relationships have just happened to have been with women. Factory owners, staff and mentors – nearly all women.

We have a strong team of 38 here at Auguste and have only just been joined by our second man in the last few weeks. Without this team of power houses we wouldn't be anywhere near where we are today. I love and appreciate every single one of them very much!

Who are your female icons?

Oh god, anybody who has given birth! Haha, but aside from that just any woman who has put compassion and care for others (animals included!) at the front of their life’s work. There’s nothing more inspirational and there are too many to name, but Jane Goodall definitely comes to mind – the women with the job I’m most envious of in the world.

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” - Jane Goodall.

international womens day

What are you a strong believer in?

Honesty, generosity, kindness and above all humility. Embody these traits and I’m not really sure what could go wrong :)


Is there a piece of advice or wisdom you wish you could tell your younger self?

Don't trade your horse for teenage boys!  

To be honest, I think I went alright as a younger version. I maybe wasted a few too many hours drinking beer with my brothers and sister, but all in all I’m grateful for all the bumps, bruises and life lessons that I’ve encountered. It’s all character building and if you are really open to learning from everything you experience – positive or negative – then most experiences are worth having.

international womens day

What is the driving force behind what you do? What keeps you motivated day after day?

Being the numbers side of Auguste means I satisfy my creative side by growing the business. I absolutely love building and shaping Auguste to be the best it can be, by the decisions we all make daily. I am so proud of what Ebony and I have built together. It is an absolute joy to see Auguste’s success flourish and in turn support the team who invest their time daily in the business.


What role have women played in your success?

Having a workforce of 36 women out of 38 staff, I would say Auguste’s success is heavily driven by women. Ebony and I are constantly blown away by the team of women we have here at Auguste. They are all extremely talented individuals who, whilst remaining ambitious to succeed and grow in their chosen fields, are also incredibly supportive and proud of each other’s success and wins. As a company culture, having that team mentality in shared success is incredibly important for company harmony. Maintaining and nurturing that culture is a credit to everyone here at Auguste.

international womens day

Who are your female icons?

Single mums who work! For me that is the absolute definition of multi-tasking. I started out as a single mother and Auguste supported me by allowing me to work from home in the early years and be with my kids. In the first few years of the business, Ebony and I had four kids in four years between us, so being able to support each other through early motherhood was essential. As women, and mothers, we know how important a work-life balance is and so I have enormous respect for all women who can find that balance and enjoy both career and family.

international womens day

What are you a strong believer in?

Work-life balance. It’s one of the joys of Auguste being based in Byron Bay as it’s easy for staff to have a surf before work, take a barre class or do a sunset lighthouse walk.


Is there a piece of advice or wisdom you wish you could tell your younger self?

Haha… nothing I would have listened to!


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