These Sonny Days

Lifestyle blogger Carly McDonagh loves being a mum – and it shows across the sun-drenched tiles of her Instagram, @these.sonny.days (named aptly after her son, Sonny). At home on the Gold Coast, the young family spend their days exploring beach coves, sharing their love and preparing for the arrival on their newest member next May. Here, Carly shares her experiences with motherhood and all the changes that come with it. 

These Sonny Days 

Tell us about your little one.

We welcomed Sonny into our lives on Boxing Day, 2015. Since the day he was born he has changed our lives for the better. Everyone who meets Sonny is in awe of how gentle, kind and caring he is while at the same time showing off a very charismatic side that enjoys being the centre of attention. Every day we are learning something new, not only about him but about ourselves. Children really have a way of baring our souls that allows us to nurture and surrender to their every need. Being parents is truly a magical and humbling experience.

What have been the most surprising elements of motherhood?

Motherhood has surprised me in so many ways, most profoundly in how much you can love a person, protect them and be completely devoted to them all in an absolutely effortless manner. Don’t get me wrong, motherhood has tested my patience, mental fortitude and multi-tasking skills like no other, but I wouldn’t have it any other way as my baby has reinforced in me what is truly important in life and that is our love for one another.


If you were to create a Fundamentals of Parenting guidebook, what would you feature?

I believe there’s no textbook answer to parenting as what works for some parents may not work for others, however I believe there are a few fundamentals that create a good foundation to positively benefit both the parents and the children.

Patience is extremely important, it provides a platform for which other guidelines can then be carried out.

The ability to adapt is also imperative. Our babies are constantly growing and developing both physically and cognitively, and we must make sure we are adapting our behaviours to meet their needs.

Be attentive and teach in a loving way. Simply being there is the first step to attentiveness, continue on by providing a loving and caring approach to all aspects of interaction with your little one.


What are the greatest lessons Sonny has taught you?

To live more in the moment and be present. We are only ever promised that moment that is upon us and as cliché as it sounds, they really do grow so quickly.


You run a lifestyle and motherhood blog. How do you find time to be productive with a little one always after your attention?

I always make sure I am present while Sonny is awake and do my best to utilize the time he is asleep to get my work done. If it wasn’t for this time I really don’t know how I would get anything done as little ones are so physically and mentally demanding. I think we need to not be so hard on ourselves and put so much pressure on ourselves to have everything done all the time, because quality time spent with our little ones is much more of a priority in my eyes.


These Sonny Days

What would be the ideal day for you and your babe?

A day spent anywhere by the water on a hot day under an umbrella with a smoothie. In saying that, I do love a good rainy day spent at home with candles, movies and baking something in the kitchen.

How has your style changed since becoming a mother?

Since becoming a mother and I feel more comfortable than ever in my own skin. My style used to always reflect the current trends and now since becoming a mother and being pregnant again, I find I appreciate timeless feminine pieces that are floaty and comfortable to wear. I invest my money into dresses that I will wear over and over again that I can mix and match with different accessories to create a unique style of my own.

These Sonny Days

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